عرض مشاركة واحدة
الصورة الرمزية النّجف الأشرف
النّجف الأشرف
بسم الله و الحمد لله و الصلاة على حبيب الله وآله أولياء الله

مندوب النجف الأشرف يكتب:
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

1- نزولا لرغبة الأستاذ غسان
بحثت في الإنترنت عن طائفة روزي كريسين و اسلوبهم في التنجيم
واليك بعض صفحات المواقع التي لها علاقة بالموضوع:

فهذه صفحة ويكيبيديا و فيها موجز عن هذه الطائفة
ويذكر فيها ان مؤسسها قد اخذ اسس عقائدها واسرارها عن المسلمين


[align=left:b15ccd7636]The 17th century Manifestos and legend
In the 17th century three Rosicrucian Manifestos were anonymously published: Fama Fraternitatis in 1614, Confessio Fraternitatis in 1615 and the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in 1616. Together they presented the legend of a German pilgrim named "C.R.C.", later introduced the third Manifesto as Christian Rosenkreuz. The legend tells that this pilgrim studied in the Middle East under various occult masters and founded the Rosicrucian Order, which aimed to bring about a "universal reformation of mankind". During his lifetime, the Order was said to consist of no more than eight members. When Rosenkreuz died, apparently in the 15th century, the Order disappeared, only to be "reborn" in the early 17th century (the time of the publication of the Manifestos).

These documents, full of symbolism (as were all hermetic and alchemical texts of those times) have been interpreted in many ways over the centuries. They do not directly state Rosenkreuz's years of birth and death, but in the second Manifesto the year 1378 is presented as being the birth year of "our Christian Father", and it is stated that they could describe the 106 years of his life, which would imply the year 1484 for his death. The foundation of the Order can be similarly deduced to have occurred in 1407. However, these dates are not taken literally by many students of occultism, and are considered as allegorical statements for the understanding of the initiated. The reasoning arises from the Manifestos themselves: on one hand, the Rosicrucians clearly adopted through the Manifestos the Pythagorean tradition of envisioning objects and ideas in terms of their numeric aspects, and, on the other hand, they directly state in the second Manifesto "We speak unto you by parables, but would willingly bring you to the right, simple, easy and ingenuous exposition, understanding, declaration, and knowledge of all secrets".

According to Emile Dantinne (1884–1969), the origins of the Rosicrucians may have an Islamic connection. As described in the first manifesto Fama Fraternitatis (1614) Rosenkreuz started his pilgrimage at the age of sixteen. This led him to Arabia, Egypt and Morocco, where he came into contact with sages of the East, who revealed to him the "universal harmonic science". After learning Arabic philosophy in Jerusalem, he was led to Damcar. This place remains a mystery – it did not become Damascus, but is somewhere not too far from Jerusalem. Then he stopped briefly in Egypt. Soon afterwards he embarked to Fes, a center of philosophical and occult studies, such as thealchemy of Abu-Abdallah, Gabir ben Hayan, and Imam Jafar al Sadiq, the astrology and magic of Ali-ash-Shabramallishi, and the esoteric science of Abdarrahman ben Abdallah al Iskari. However, Dantinne states that Rosenkreuz may have found his secrets amongst the "Brethren of Purity," a society of philosophers that had formed in Basra (Iraq) sometime during the 900s. Their doctrine had its source in the study of the ancient Greek philosophers, but it became more neo-Pythagorean. They adopted the Pythagorean tradition of envisioning objects and ideas in terms of their numeric aspects. Their theurgy taught divine and angelic names, conjurations, the Kabbalah, exorcisms, and other related subjects.

The "Brethren of Purity" and the Sufis were united in many points of doctrine. They both were mystical orders deriving from Koranic theology but supplanting dogma with a faith in the "Divine Reality." There were many similarities between the Rosicrucian way as expressed in the Manifestos, and the way of life of the Brethren of Purity. Neither group wore special clothing, both practiced abstinence, they healed the sick, and they offered their teachings free of charge. Similarities also were evident in the doctrinal elements of their theurgy and the story of Creation in terms of emanationism.

According to Maurice Magre (1877–1941) in his book Magicians, Seers, and Mystics, Rosenkreutz was the last descendant of the Germelschausen, a German family from the 13th century. Their castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the border of Hesse, and they embraced Albigense's doctrines, combining pagan and Christian beliefs. The whole family was put to death by Landgrave Conrad of Thuringia, except for the youngest son, then five years old. He was carried away secretly by a monk, an Albigensian adept from Languedocand placed in a monastery under the influence of the Albigenses, where he was educated and met the four Brothers later to be associated with him in the founding of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Magre's account supposedly derives from oral tradition.[/align:b15ccd7636]

2- هذا موقع جماعة امورك في كالبفورنيا التي تنتسب نفسها الى روزي كريسين

للعلم ان الطائفة روزي كريسين ليس لها مركز او مَعلم رسمي شأن الطوائف السرية

وان مثل هذه الجماعة هم يدّعون النسبة اليها من انفسهم

3- توضيح:
موضوع اخذ العقائد والاسرار من بعض طوائف المسلمين الذي جاء ذكره في صفحة ويبكيديا،
أمر وقع بعد اطلاع بعضهم على ذلك في الهجمات الصليبية
ثم ذهب البهم مؤسس الطائفة

وتعلم منهم
وجاء باصولهم و وضع طائفة سرية دينية
لها ظاهرة مسيحية ولكن اصولها الباطنية ماخوذة من الباطنية في المسلمين
وبقيت هذه الطائفة مستورة حتى القرن السادس عشر الميلادي الذي نشر ثلاث كتب منهم و انتشر اخبارهم

4- قد تكلم عن اخذ الطائفة (روزي كريسين) اهمّ عقائدهم واسرارهم من الإسماعيلية
الباحث الإيطالي: اومبرتو اکو UMBERTO ECO

في كتابه: باندول فوكو FOUCAULT'S PENDULE

هذا الكتاب مترجم الى لغات عديدة منها الإنجليزية

5- اما كتاب اتباع هذه الطائفة حول أسلوبهم التنجيمي و الأدوار السبعة في الحياة
فقد نشر في 1921 بإسم:

[align=left:b15ccd7636]Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life = Lewis, H. Spencer[/align:b15ccd7636]الحكم بادوار الحياة على الذات والمقدرات = لوئيس اسبنسر

واليك رابط موقع تسويق هذا الكتاب:

وهذه توضيح للموقع حول الكتاب
[align=left:b15ccd7636]1929. Rosicrucian Library Volume VII. Lewis, a famous Rosicrucian mystic, was the founder and the first Imperator of AMORC, from 1915 until 1939. In this work, Lewis reveals his system and gives it to the world in such a form that every man and every woman, young or old, in business or out of business, may use some part of it to bring greater success, prosperity and happiness into their lives. This new and astounding system helps determine your fortunate and unfortunate hours, weeks, months, and years throughout your life. No mathematics required. This is better than any system of numerology or astrology. Contents: The Problem of Mastership; Man a Free Agent; Cosmic Rhythm and the Cycles of Life; The Periods of Earthly Cycles; The Simple Periods of Human Life; The Complex Yearly Cycle of Human Life with Description of Cycle No. 2; Periods of the Business Cycle with Description of Cycle No. 3; How to Use the Periods of the Cycles; The Periods of the Health Cycle with Description of Cycle No. 4; The Cycles of Disease and Sex; The Daily Cycle of Significant Hours; How to Use the Daily Cycle of Seven Periods; Description of Daily Periods; The Soul Cycle; How to Determine the Periods of the Soul Cycle; Description of the Periods of the Soul Cycle; and The Cycles of Reincarnation. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.[/align:b15ccd7636]وهذه صورة من صفحة فهرست مواضيع الكتاب
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..

وللعلم اكثر
حول اسلوبهم التنيجيمي الخاص راجع هذه الصفحة من بحث جوجل
فيها روايط عديدة لمجلة الطائفة التي تتكلم عن هذا الأسلوب التنجيمي


اما كيف يكون اسلوب تحاليلهم التنجيمي للطوالع و...
فإليك هذه الصفحة التي فيها
نموذج تحليل فلكي على الطريقة التنجيمية لهذه الطائفة


Rosicrucian Fellowship Online Magazine Archives

Woman, born on December 17, 1985 at 5:30 AM; Long. 117W, Lat. 34N.

SIGNS ON CUSPS: Midheaven/Virgo 20; 11th House/Libra 20; 12th House/Scorpio 15; Ascendant/Sagittarius 7:29; 2nd House/Capricorn 9; 3rd House/Aquarius 14.

PLANETARY POSITIONS: Mercury/Sagittarius 12:22R; Sun/Sagittarius 25:07; Moon/ Capricorn 19:26; Jupiter/Capricorn 25:36; Dragon's Head/Capricorn 25:41; Venus/Aquarius 10:43; Uranus/Pisces 21:40; Pluto/Cancer 14:03R; Neptune/Leo 24:41R; Saturn/Scorpio 21:21; Mars/Scorpio 22:51.


This woman was born in the most undesirable environment; her mother, a prostitute, was too busy to give her any kind of education and as a consequence the girl had no sense of discrimination and no moral values. Around the age of 13 she became a prostitute herself and her life turned into a nightmare. Syphilis, abortions, witchcraft, jail, despair, suicide, cancer and finally death were part of her ordeal. Of course, we may shiver at the load that some of these souls bring upon themselves from previous lives. It is evident that the unrestrained use of the creative function is the "sin against the Holy Ghost," and right use of this sacred force must be learned through pain and sufering. With the Sun, Mercury, and the Ascendant in Sagittarius we have the challenge of the lower natures represented by the Centaur, fighting with the Higher Self represented by the archer shooting his arrows skyward. In the present case the animal side has full control and prevents the higher side from expressing itself. Common signs on the angles tell of the tremendous need to develop will power to overcome the passions.

The square Sun-Uranus from the first to the fourth house breeds pride and selfishness which attract to her the spirits of sensuality. On the other hand, Mars conjunct Saturn in the twelfth house in Scorpio square to Neptune retrograde in Leo in the ninth house explains how her deep passions and perverted life drew to her the sex elementals that obsessed her until her death. Her frantic quest for security and money impelled by Pluto in Cancer opposing Moon conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn in the second-eighth house axis lured her into prostitution around the time of puberty.

Parents who give birth to children have the enormous spiritual responsibility of giving them the spiritual food and education that will make them strong in spite of circumstances. Max Heindel (in "Principles of Child Training") laid the basic principle when he said that man evolves in cycles of seven years during which different methods would answer different needs.

In the course of the first septenary cycle ruled by the Moon (age 0 to 7) the physical body is born. The child discovers himself and imitates all he sees; therefore the best of examples must be provided by the parent. After the first set of teeth has fallen the age of reason comes with the second septenary cycle, ruled by Mercury (age 7 to 14) when the Vital Body is born. The memory and first reasoning faculties bring many questions and much agitation. The child needs discipline. Good health habits should be taught and developed, education on the sacredness of the sex function and the creative force should be given then, for they will be of much value in the next and most vulnerable phase. The third septenary cycle ruled by Venus (age 14 to 21) starts with puberty, the awakening of thhe creative force, and the birth of the Desire Body bringing the impetuosity of adolescence. The mind is born only at the next cycle and cannot control the desires so this period brings many emotional ups and downs and more than ever the adolescent needs the support, sympathy, understanding, and compassionate guidance of his elders to prevent him from falling into the many traps that stand in front of his inexperience.

During this phase the creative force which should not be misused nor exercised, is utilized by the Ego to build the link between the Desire Body and the Mental Body with the third part of the Silver Cord. As this Cord is being built it also bridges the major Ductless Glands which are said to be Spiritual Centers of the body, the seven roses upon our living cross. Sex and drug experiences during the period are the most devastating because they interfere directly with the building of a strong bridge between the finest vehicles, and prevent proper connection with the spiritual centers. At the same time they rob the person's creative energy normally used to build the brain and guiding mind which will be born in the next cycle. A weak bridge will make for people who will not respond to the higher spiritual vibrations of the Aquarian Age, people who will have mental difficulties later in life, and people who will be a burden upon society due to their deficient condition.

We said previously that man evolves in cycles of seven years. The first, ruled by the Moon, the second, ruled by Mercury, and the third, ruled by Venus, correspond to the birth of the physical body, the vital body, and the desire body respectively.

The fourth septenary cycle (21 to 28), ruled by the Sun, brings the birth of the mind. One reaches the age of majority and takes on responsibilities. This cycle is the time to leave home and family and start on one's own, for now the four vehicles are born and "operational."

With the fifth septenary cycle (28 to 35), ruled by Mars, serious life starts. A new phase is introduced in the physical body, as are also changes in the Chemical Ether.

The sixth septenary cycle (35 to 42), ruled by Jupiter, brings expansion of consciousness. We enter a new phase for the vital body: specifically, the Life Ether gives us an abundance of energy.

The seventh septenary cycle (42 to 49), ruled by Saturn, is life's culminating point. Special work on the desire body helps to overcome the emotional challenges of that cycle, increasing our efficiency.

The eighth septenary cycle (49 to 56), starts over again the sevenfold planetary rulership: it is ruled by the Moon. A new dimension opens up for the mind, giving us, during this important cycle, the greatest potentialities: a seven year plateau before the slowing down process of the following phases.

Let us now look at the chart and see how this information can be used. It will be of interest to realize that the septenary archetypes may be shorter or longer than seven years since they vary with each individual. You may wonder why that is and how it works. The Moon gives us the clue. By progression, the Moon completes a cycle around the zodiac in about 28 years. During that time, the Moon goes through four phases of about seven years each. Take this horoscope and locate the Moon at 19:26 Capricorn. Draw a line to the opposite point at 19:26 Cancer, and another perpindicular to it from 19:26 Aries to 19:26 Libra. Your astrological wheel now has 4 equal segments. It takes the Moon about seven days to cover one segment, and by precession seven years. Each time the progressed Moon reaches another segment, a new septenary cycle starts. The speed of the Moon is not constant; it may travel between 11 and 15 degrees each day. Therefore a septenary cycle may be shorter or longer than seven years, depending on the speed of the Moon.

At her birth (December 17, 1925), Moon at 19:26 Capricorn), her physical body and the positive pole of her Chemical Ether were born. This first septenary period is ruled by the Moon. By April 1931, the progressed Moon reached 19:26 Aries, squaring natal Moon. She was six and a half years old; she started to lose her first set of teeth. She had reached the age of reason, the second septenary cycle ruled by Mercury. Her vital body and the positive pole of the Life Ether were born. She was asking many questions concerning the creative force, pregnancy, conception, and the creative organs, and her exasperated mother (a prostitute) would finally give her physical demonstrations in answer to her questions. By the fall of 1938 she had her first sexual experience. The Moon was progressing in conjunction to Pluto in the 8th house; she was not yet 13 years old.

When the progressed Moon reached 19:6 Cancer, opposing natal Moon, she reached puberty and had her first period in April, 1939. She was 13 and a half. She had entered her third septenary cycle ruled by Venus. The desire body and the positive pole of the Light Ether were born. At that time she needed the greatest moral support to help control the impulses of her desire nature, but her mother died. She became a prostitute to survive. She had two abortions: one in the winter of 1941 and the other in the summer of 1944, leaving deep psychological scars. In October 1946, she was close to 21. The progressed Moon reached 19:6 Libra, squaring the natal Moon. Her concrete mind and the positive pole of the Reflecting Ether were born; she then possessed her four vehicles and could start controlling her destiny. She tried to assume her own responsibilities and got a job with friends to get away from prostitution. By the summer of 1949, however she ended up in jail falsely accused of murder. This, of course, was a blessing in disguise, for while in jail soemone gave her the address of The Rosicrucian Fellowship and she wrote for help.

During the 16 years she spent on the healing list, she fought the philosophy of regeneration. She felt sex was a natural thing to practice and that no one should restrict it under any circumstances because, she claimed, it is the most important biological function of the universe. She reasoned that restricting it to a few procreative acts did not justify the function. She could not understand why God would go through the trouble of creating such elaborate creative organs and functions if they are to be used only 3 or 4 times in a lifetime. This did not match the rest of our bodily functions, which are performed hundreds and thousands of times from birth to death. Her mind was blocked, and she dismissed anything religious, philosophical, or occult because she could not feel its reality, either from within or from without.

Through regeneration we conserve the creative force within; then we lift it to the brain and larynx and by so doing cause many things to happen. Here are a few examples: 1) the raising of the unused sex force gradually builds the second, or etheric, spine, which will sustain the spiritual creative organ of the coming New Age--the etheric larynx--with which we are to speak the "lost word" again; 2) we also build that etheric larynx; 3) we gradually alter the functioning of our brains and awaken conscious activity in the right hemisphere; 4) we strengthen the silver cord,creating a better link between the various seed-atoms and their respective invisible vehicles, allowing us to learn to become better "centered"; 5) we awaken our "spiritual sensors" located in the ductless glands--the spiritual centers of the vital body--and become more receptive to the finer and more spiritual vibrations that surround us all the time; 6) the high vibrations of the transmuted sex force create a bridge of light in the third ventricle of the brain between the Pituitary Body and the Pineal Gland, opening our sixth sense, and the various ESP experiences thus created are the first signs of our conscious conquest of the inner planes; 7) provided we live pure, altruistic, and selfless lives, we also can come in contact with the "eternal now," the Memory of Nature, or read the aura, feelings, and thoughts of others, not for mere curiosity, of course, but to help or heal and do many other wonderful things.

Even though she could not accept these ideas, she continued writing to The Rosicrucian Fellowship in order to argue, thinking she might convince them in the end! She did not, and even if it appears that she was not convinced either, they planted a seed that will bloom in God's good time. We also know that the conversation continued on the inner planes at night with the Invisible Helpers, and we are sure that she received, there, the education that she did not get when she was a child. Even if the desired results did not manifest in this lifetime, time was not wasted trying to help her. The efforts on her behalf will bear good fruits when she returns in a coming incarnation. No effort ever is wasted, and it always pays to do good to others.

One of the greatest lessons we learn, when engaged in spiritual healing, is that we always can do something positive for the worst case. We are not allowed to give up our efforts to help, for we plant the seed and we water it. God giveth the increase in His own good season. God works in mysterious ways. As long as there is life there is hope. The Invisible Helpers, who learn the secret of the Word to repair the vital body at night under the wise guidance of the Elder Brothers, can restore or reconstruct any part of the body that is damaged or destroyed. This can happen only if the patient has made the necessary spiritual adjustment to prevent the problem from happening again-- that is, if the lesson has been learned. That explains why so many people do not get notable results: the lesson has not yet been learned.

This native's horoscope shows great spiritual potential, with Sun, Mercury, and Ascendant in Sagittarius, a strongly aspected Uranus, an elevated Neptune in the 9th house trine the Sun! Why did she not respond more positively? In part four we will see why.

During gestation, the negative pole of the silver cord is constructed by the Recording Angels and the incoming Ego. After birth the positive pole is brought to bear and matures in cycles of seven years. Since the silver cord is the link between the various vehicles of the Spirit, the greatest care must be given to the upbringing of the child so that he later may respond positively to the spiritual impulses of the Higher Self. From birth to the age of reason, the etheric segment of the silver cord is being constructed. It is completed at the time the vital body is born (around seven), to mature during the next seven years. From the age of reason to puberty, the second segment of the cord, made of desire stuff, is constructed from the liver to the solar plexus. Its completion marks the birth of the desire body (around fourteen), which also matures during the next seven years. From puberty to majority, the third and most important segment, made of mind stuff, is developed. It becomes operational at the birth of the mind at age twenty-one. It reaches ripening maturity at around twenty-eight years of age, when the individual is fully grown and serious life starts.

We will draw our attention to the difficult period of growth between puberty and majority, for this represents a very delicate phase of human development. As the third segment of the silver cord, made of delicate mind stuff, is carefully constructed, it slowly grows from the seed atom of the mind located at the root of the nose, where the Spirit has its seat. Then, guided and strengthened by the unused sex force of the adolescent, it passes between the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Body in the third ventricle of the brain. From there it follows its path downwards, connecting the Thyroid Gland, the Thymus Gland, the Spleen, the Adrenals. At age twenty-one it finally ties in with the second segment of the silver cord in the seed atom of the desire body in the great vortex of the liver. It then matures during the following seven years.

This connection between the seed atom of the mind and that of the desire body is of paramount importance because it links the ductless glands in a chain that eventually can be used by the Higher Self (Will) via the mind voluntarily to control and attune the three-fold body so that Initiation may take place. It is very important that the child be prepared for the challenges of adolescence during the preceding septenary cycle (seven to fourteen) with a sound moral education. When the desire body is born, it cannot yet be controlled by the unborn mind. Emotional impulses and pressure from others can bring moral problems with serious spiritual consequences. Adolesceents should not be using the creative force for sex at that stage, because it is very much needed to build a strong mind and silver cord to create a good strong link between the seed atom of the mind, the ductless glands (which are man's spiritual centers), and the other seed atoms.

If such a strong link is established during a healthy, moral adolescence, the Spirit, after age twenty-one, can control via the mind the secretion of hormones by the ductless glands and alter the composition of the blood (vehicle of the Spirit) to fit it for greater intellectual, cultural, and spiritual development. Under these conditions, the person will respond positively to adequate methods of spiritual development. On the contrary, if such a link is poorly established, due to sex and drug abuses during adolescence, the third segment of the silver cord is very weak. The link with the ductless glands is fragile, and the mind, which should act as a break on the impulse of the desire body, remains ineffective to a great extent. Strong feelings and desires overstimulate the lower glands and modify the composition of the blood, enabling the passionate nature slowly to take over the temperament. This further hinders mental development, and the person has a hard time responding to the higher and nobler impulses of the Spirit, sent through the mind.

This is why our patient could not accept the philosophy of regeneration that was presented to her and would not consider controlling her moral life. Her personality and desire nature were somewhat separated from her higher nature and mind because she did not receive a moral education as a child and she became a prostitute as a teenager. By wasting her vital creative force through amoral practices, she interfered with the development of her mind, silver cord, and ductless glands. Had she chosen a different way of solving her financial problem at her mother's death, she would not have robbed herself of the potential spiritual development that her horoscope offered. Even though she was hardly responsible for choosing the easy way out, nothing is predestined; we all have free will. It is better to make a mistake than not to do a thing when we are challenged by destiny. The Law of Cause and Effect will guide her next life toward right living.


This article was adapted from the literature of The Rosicrucian Fellowship.


آمل ان يكون ذلك مصداقا لبيان أسلوبهم في التنجيم

6- و اكمل هنا شيئا حول الأدوار السبعة و... في هذه المدرسة النادرة التنجيمية:
انهم لا يقتصرون موضوع الأدوار في ضمن السنة فقط
بل يجعلون في حياة كل شخص 12 فترة كل فترة مدتها سبعة سنوات
لكل منها شأن و تحليل و اختيارات و...
كما يعنقدون بالأدوار الحاكمة على حياة الإنسان ومسيرها على مرّ الزمن و...

7- مع هذه التفاصيل
اقول للباحثين في التنجيم:
بغض النظر عن سمة الطائفة الدينية لأصحاب هذه المدرسة التنجيمية النادرة
فهؤلاء يستحقون ان يُدرس اسلوبهم التنجيمي
فلا يقل قدرهم مما ينشر في مقاهي التنجيم

وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله ربّ العالمين