المشاركات الجديدة
علم النفس ومهارات التفوق البشري : مبادئ الصحة النفسية ,البرمجة اللغوية العصبية,التنويم الإيحائي,إدارة الذات ,هندسة النجاح ,اليوجا

تصاميم جهاز الأنتقال الزمني هدية لكم

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو باعمران
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
اذا كان الجهاز يصدر ترددات دقيقة فالامر سهل تستطيع تنزيل التردد المطلوب من على اليوتيوب والمواقع المتخصصة وتستمع لها من سماعة اذن
تقبل مرورى
السلام عليكم
اذا سمحت لي الادارة بوضع رابط لانواع هذه الترددات فانا رهن اشارتكم.

الصورة الرمزية روبوعربي
الأستاذ أنكيدو : تشرفت بدخولكم موضوعي ، كل هدفي هو حث المزيد من الأعضاء للدخول للمنتدى ، لكن كلامكم على العين والرأس وخلال دقائق أرفع الملف بأذن الله دون تأخير فانتم أسبق بالكرم.
الأخوة باعمران والجدار : لدي معلومات مستفيضة عن ماذكرتم جهاز التردد الصوتي للموجات الدماغيه ولا أنصح به لما له من مخاطر على العصب السمعي ، علمأ بأنه من البرمجيات المتوفره مجانآ على النت ، ولو أكرمني الله ببعض الوقت ربما أضع لكما تفاصيل أكثر . لكن معظم ما سأضعه لكم متوفر بالأنجليزية على النت باستثناء تجاربي الشخصيه .

الصورة الرمزية روبوعربي
الأخوة الأعزاء هذا رابط تصميم جهاز الموجات الدماغية للأنتفال الزمني

أرجو منكم اهداء الفاتحه لآخي الصغير لو تكرمتم .

العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
لمن يحتاج توضيح بالعربي أخوكم مستعد للأجابه عن أي سؤال
من الأنصاف الاشارة الى مؤلف التصميم بروين جايسن الرسام والكيميائي والمخترع .
ونظرآ لسهولة الصنع أرجو من الأخوة طرح نتائج تجربتهم للجهاز لفائدة الجميع

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو ikram
قراءة سورة الفاتحة اهديها ثوابا لكم ولاخيكم الصغير تقبل الله منا ومنكم كل الاعمال امين

اخي لو تتكرم بالترجمة نكون ممنونين لكم

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو محمد بن الطيب
محمد بن الطيب
شكرا للأخ روبو عربي على المساهمة الجيدة
وجب التنبيه إلى أن دريماشين لا تليق بالناس الذين عندهم نوبات الصرع أو العصاب فيمكن للآلة أن تحدث لهم أزمة
لذلك وجب التنبيه حتى لا يقع المحظور
الفاتحة لكم ولمن تحبون وجمعة مباركة للجميع

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو محمد بن الطيب
محمد بن الطيب
وهي موجودة بعدة لغتا لمن يبحث عن الترجمة

الصورة الرمزية روبوعربي
بارك الله فيكم اخي بن الطيب
ولو تعرف ترجمة بالعربية ارفعها
فان لم يكن ساحاول وضع مختصر مفيد مع سكيتش
ولو انني اطمع ان يعلق شيوخ الطاقة والموجات ﻻن عندهم افكار ربما تاخذ هذا اﻻختراع البسيط الى مستويات غير مسبوقه

الصورة الرمزية ankedo
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
جزاكم الله خيرا كنت اريد فهم مكا هذا المخطط ودجراسته ولاكن لم اعرف كيف احمله على هذا الموقع
هل من الاخوه الكرام جزاه الله خيرا ان يرفعه على الفورد شير او الميد فاير

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو محمد بن الطيب
محمد بن الطيب
نزولا عند رغبة الإخوة المهتمين وبعد إذن صاحب الموضوع أضع لكم طريقة تركيب الآلة (انجليزي)

- 1 record player working at the speed of 78 tours/minute,
- 1 big cardboard sheet, rigid enough for the future cylinder to stand up, and soft enough to be easily cut and worked; you can get sheets of different thickness and dimensions in an office stationery. Choose the darkest colour you can find as the cardboard must be opaque to the light of a 100 watts bulb.
1 graduate rule of 30 or 40 cm long,
1 set square,
1 thin lead pencil,
1 rubber,
cardboard glue,
1 cutter,
1 100 watts bulb,
1 lamp socket,
1 male plug,
electric lead (5 to 6 meters long),
1 multiplug,
1 tape measure to measure the circumference of the turn table of the record-player,
clothes pegs.
To build a dreamachine, you need a cylinder with holes in it, fixed uppon the turntable of a record player turning at the speed of 78 tours/minute.
In the middle of the machine, one 100 watts bulb. When you seat in front of the machine, the light of the bulb must come in front of your closed eyes intermittently, according to a rythm from 7 to 13 light-flashes per second, which is the rythm of alpha waves of the brain.
For the effects, refer to "Colloque de Tanger", vol. 1, Christian Bourgois éditeur, or "Here to Go - Planer R 101", Brion Gysin - Terry Wilson.
- The rythm of the light flashes is from 7 to 13 flashes/second.
- The turntable of the record-player turns at the speed of 78 tours/minute = 78 tours/60 seconds.
- In one second, the turntable makes : 78/60 = 1,3 tour.
- 1 flash correspons to a hole in the cylinder.
- 1 row of 6 holes (6 flashes) will give for every tour a rythm of 6x1,3 = 7,8 flashes/second
- 1 row of 7 holes : 7x1,3 = 9,1 fl/s
- 1 " " 8 " : 8x1,3 = 10,4 fl/s
- 1 " " 9 " : 9x1,3 = 11,7 fl/s
- 1 " " 10 " : 10x1,3 = 13 fl/s
The length of the cartdbord sheet must be equal to the circumference of the turntable. The dimensions of the plan are the ones of a Dual 1010 record player; the circumference of its turntable is 85,5 cm.
1. Measure the circumference of the turntable with the tape measure.
2. Transfer this dimension on the length of the cardboard sheet from the left side at the top and at the bottom of the sheet. Draw a line joining the 2 points, parallel to the width of the sheet.
3. Once the line is drawn, draw another one, parallel to the first one, 4,5 cm on the right far from it; this is to delimit a little band which, at the end of the operations, will be stuck to the left width to make the cylinder. With the cutter, cut the sheet along the second line. So the final length of the cardboard is : 85,5 cm + 4,5 cm = 90 cm.
4. At the top of the cardboard, on the right and left widths, measure 2,5 cm. Draw a line joining the 2 points. You get a band of 85,5 cm x 2,5 cm. Do the same at he bottom of the cardboard in drawing a band of 3 cm wide (see the drawing). The width between the 2 bands is 65,5 - (2,5+3) = 60 cm.
5. Now divide this width of 60 cm in 5 equal parts of 12 cm. Measure 5 times 12 cm on the right and left widths. Draw the lines joining those new points. You get 4 new lines, parallel to the length.
6. Now calculate the dimensions of the holes in every row. The upper row will contain the most numerous holes (10) and the row of the bottom, the less numerous holes (6), so the base of the cylinder is as solid as possible (see the plan of the cardboard of the cylinder).
a) Upper row :
* Divide this row in 10 equal parts : 85,5/10 = 8,55 cm
* Measure 10 times this dimension at the top and at the bottom of the upper row, in beguinning by the left.
* Draw the lines joining the new points : you get 9 parallel lines 8,55 cm far from one another (these lines will be in the middle of the holes) delimiting 10 rectangles of 12x8,55 cm.
* Take the plan of every hole : the line IJ represents the new lines you have just drawn. On this line IJ, measure 2 times 1,5 cm, from I and from J, so you get the points K and L. From these points, perpendicularly to IJ, measure the points A, B, C and D, 2 cm far from K and L. raw the lines joining A and B, B and D, D and C, C and A. The rectangle you get is the hole.
* Proceed the same way to get all the holes of the row. On the left width of this row, you only get half a hole. On the right side, at the end of the row, the last hole encroaches upon the band to stick; the second half of this hole will fit to the half hole on the left when you stick the cylinder, and this for every row. In other words, the left half hole and the hole at the right end of the row will make the same hole.
b) Second row :
It will contain 9 holes. Proceed as you did for the upper row, but divide the length of the cardboard by 9 : 85,5 / 9 = 9,44 cm. Proceed as before with this new demension and so for the other rows :
c) Third row :
8 holes : 85,5 / 8 = 10,62 cm
d) Forth row :
7 holes : 85,5 / 7 = 12,14 cm
e) Fifth row :
6 holes : 85,5 / 6 = 14,16 cm
Every hole has the same dimensions, whatever the row may be.
7. Once you have delimited all the holes, cut them with the cutter. Put the cut pieces of cardboard aside, you will need them later on.
8. Put the cardboard sheet upon the turntable in giving a cylindric shape to it. Temporarily fix the 2 widths the one on the other with clothes pegs. Make sure the base of the cylinder fits with the dimensions of the turntable and that the left half holes fit with the holes of the right width. Do not stick the edges yet.
9. If the turntable is covered with a rubber surface, delicately unstick the edges of this surface; you are going to use it to maintain the cylinder in position. If there is no rubber surface, take a thick piece of rigid cardboard and cut it according to the exact dimensions of the turntable. Make a hole in the middle, like a LP record, in introducing it in the axis of the turntable.
10. Go back to the cardboard sheet. Take the cut rectangles ABCD you had previously put aside, and solidly stick them at the bottom of the sheet on the width so you get little tongues to be fold and slipped perpendicularly under the rubber surface, to keep the cylinder upon the turntable. Put as many tongues as needed.
11. Your cylinder is ready. Stick the 2 widths one upon the other, maintaining the stuck band with the clothes pegs, in adapting them in the holes. Leave the pegs untill the cardboard and the glue are dry.
If the upper row is not perfectly circular, in cases the cardboard would fold over the holes, make the cardboard more solid in sticking the remaining little triangles ABCD inside the cylinder.
12. Then you adapt the cylinder on the turntable in slipping the little tongues under the rubber surface or the cardboard disc. The body of the dreamachine is ready now. If you turn the record player on, the cylinder must turn on the turntable in remaining solidly fixed.
13. Then you take the bulb, the lamp socket, the electric lead and the male plug. Fix the whole lot together.
14. Put the dreamachine on a stool, near a power point, let the bulb hang in the middle of the cylinder without it to touch the edges. Adjust the length of the lead over the dreamachine in the most adapted way to the room where you are (you can pass the lead in a hook screwed in the ceiling, make a bracket system, etc...). The length of the lead must be adjustable, so the bulb can be put in front of every row.
15. Plug the bulb, plug the record player, turn it on in setting it on the 78 tours speed. Sit comfortably in front of the machine and approach your face the closest you can. Close your eyes and watch : you get inside your head mlulticoloured geometric and stereoscopic 360° images, and lights, the colors, shapes and designs of which constantly changes. You can vary the images in increasing or lessening the pressure of your eyelids andd the distance between your face and the machine and in experimenting the different rows.
A record has been specially made to be listened to while watching the dreamachine, its rythm is the same as the light flashes: "Heathen Earth", Throbbing Gristle (International Records), best in stereo with a headphone.
(The scale is approximative, because of the imprecision of the drawing program. Use the dimensions instead of reproducing the schemas, which are here for indications, to allow to visualise the work to be done.)


For a 45 rpm dreamachine
From: "Todd Campbell" <العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
To: <العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:19 AM
Subject: [Dreamachine] 45rpm dreammachine

Does anyone have the math and/or proper directions for the design of a Dream machine using a 45rpm turntable? All the information I've been able to find
online is either strictly for 78rpm's or the instructions are extremely vague or the calculations conflict with other versions...I'm looking for simple, straight forward plans that don't require any guess work. Thanks in advance!!!

From: "BAUDRON Isabelle" <العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..>
To: <العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Dreamachine] 45rpm dreammachine

Hi Todd,

I am the maker of the 78 rpm plan at العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. Please, do not think the change is complicated,
a 12 yo kid can make it.

Just change 78 by 45 on the plan :
- rythm : between 7 and 13
- turntable : 45 tours by minute = 45 tours for 60 seconds.
- In one second, the turntable makes : 45 / 60 = 0,75 tour
- one raw of 10 wholes (10 flashes) => a rythm of 10 x 0,75 = 7,5 flashes /second =
- 1 raw of 12 holes = 12 x 0,75 = 9
etc... with 14 and 16.

Then you measure your turntable, and do just as on the plan, except you make more wholes, using the rule of three :
You probably learnt it at school when you were a kid :
if 10 kg of potatoes cost 6 $, how much will cost 5 kg ?

You write it down on a paper : one colums for the potatoes, one for the $ :

Then you make a cross like a X between the two colums :
multiply the two numbers 5 by 6 and divide the result by the number with the ? : 10 :
5 x 6 = 30
30 : 10 = 3.

You do the same for the dreamachine. :-)

I put the plans on the net for people to use their brain and make it by themselves.
Please, do not think that one needs to be an expert nor you are not intelligent enough to make it It is false. If I can make it (I had awfull results in maths)
then you can. :-)


العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. Extract from DREAMACHINE 1 by Brion Gysin, translated by Jean chopin,
Colloque de Tanger II - Christian Bourgois Editeur.
J'ai eu un déchaînement transcendantal de visions colorées aujourd'hui dans le bus en allant à Marseille. Nous roulions sur une longue avenue bordée d'arbres et je fermais les yeux dans le soleil couchant quand un flot irrésistible de dessins de couleurs surnaturelles d'une intense luminosité explosa derrière mes paupières, un kaléidoscope multidimensionnel tourbillonnant à travers l'espace. Je fus balayé hors du temps. Je me trouvais dans un monde infini... La vision cessa brusquement quand nous quittâmes les arbres...
(1986, article de journal 21 décembre 1958)
DREAMACHINE 2 Extract from BRION GYSIN INTERVIEW RE Search William Burroughs - Brion Gysin - Throbbing Gristle
R/S: What's happening with the Dreamachine ? At one point ... you said it could have been the drugless turn-on of the 60s. Why didn't it happen ?
BRION : One of the reasons is that ... I think it scares people... Because of the cact that it deals with this area of interior vision which has never been tapped before. Except in history, one knows of cases - in French history, Catherine de Medicis for example, had Nostradamus sitting up on the top of a tower (which is now just being restored, at the present time, over there). And there was no pollution in those days... one didn't have any screen between the man on top of the tower and the sun. And he used to sit up there and with the fingers of his hands spread like this would flicker his fingers over his closed eyes, and would interpret his visions in a way which were of infuence to her in regard to her political powers.
R/S: But they wee good visions -
Brion : They could also foretell bad things too. Peter the Great also had somebody who sat on the top of a tower and flickered his fingers like that in front of his closed eyelids... And any of us today can go and look out the window or lie on a field and do it, and you get a great deal of the type of visions - in fact, it's the same area of the alpha bands of excitation of the brain - within the alpha band between eight and thirteen flickers a second. And the Dreamachine produces this continuously, without interruption, unless you yourself interrupt it by opening your eyes like that.
So the experience can be pushed a great deal further - into an area which is like real dreams. For example very often people compare it to films. Well, who can say who is projecting these films - where do these films come from ? If you look at it as I am rather inclined to now - like being the source of all vision - inasmuch as within my experience of many hundreds of hours of looking at the Dreamachine, I have seen in it practically everything that I have ever seen - that is, all imagery. All the images of established religions, for example, appear - crosses appear, to begin with; eyes of Isis float by, and many of the other symbols like that appear as if they were the Jungian symbols that he considered were common to whole mankind.
And then one goes very much further - one gets flashes of memory, one gets these little films that are apparently being projected in one's head ... one then gets into an area where all vision is as in a complete circle of 360 degrees, and one is plunged into a dream situation that's occuring all around one. And it may be true that this is all one can see... that indeed the alpha rythm contains the whole human program of vision. Well - that is a big package to deal with - and I don't think anybody particularly wants ... amateurs sitting in front of Dreamachines fiddling with it , perhaps...
Brion Gysin
To العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
What I know about the dreamachine :
Except Burroughs and Gysin, few people speak about it, because it has not been really explored yet. According to Marylin Fergusson, "The Aquarian Conspiracy", it would increase abilities of people to solve problems. According to Brion Gysin, it develops the knowledge of the hidden aspects of things.
What is it all about exactly ? When someone passes an electroencephalogram in a hospital, he is submitted during a short time to such intermittent light flashes, to register the alpha waves. In this context, it is not called "dreamachine", but "electroencephalogram", but it is the same thing. Doctors use it everyday, the only thing is they do not know about the dreamachine, and never wrote anything about its effects, except at the electrical and bio-chemical levels.
Brion studdied its effect at another level, the inner vision.(DREAMACHINE 1 AND 2)
Personnaly I never had any vision of the symbolic images Brion describes, I mainly see colors and kaleidoscopes , the shape and colours change according to the different raws of wholes of the machine made with the plan below.
I find it very useful to get easily to inner silence, to stop the flow of thoughts, which gets to the same result as meditation, but without the time and effort required to get to the no-thought state.
One document describing the effects of dreamachine (colours and kaleidoscopic drawings) comes from the X th century, العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. , translated by العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. in a book called : "L'Homme de Lumière dans le soufisme iranien". (see the exccerpt at العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. ).
So it seems that those effects belong to two different level of knowledges according to we refer to Eastern or Western sources, in the frame of two different visions of man and of the world, one dated from Xth century from the East side, and the other one from the XXth century from the Western side.
The only negative effect I heard about are epileptic crisis for people who are epilectics, but in the similar proportion as TV sets or computers do. Neither TV sets nor computers have been prohibited because of this reason, as far as I know. I never saw anybody making a fit in front of it. Anyway, if you make fits sometimes, you have to know this machine can induce them, and you have more risks to make one, so may be it is not indicated for you to try it. If you want to try it absolutely, please, wait for having a friend with you susceptible to help you then if it happens.
Some centres of relaxation sell a kind of glasses with electric lights in it, which make the same effect. You put them on your nose and relax. They do not call it dreamachine, but the phenomenon is the same.
Some other people who replied have made their own dreamachine.

الصورة الرمزية روبوعربي
مجهود طيب أخي بن الطيب :
باختصار : تأخذ ورق كرتون كالذي يستعمله الأولاد في درس الفنون
يفضل اللون الأسود : تعمل فيه فتحات ترسمها بقلم أبيض أو أي لون يبين على الورق الأسود ثم تقصها بالموس على طاولة أو أرضيه منبسطه
تصميم الفتحات موجود في الملف الذي رفعناه لكم
بعد قص الفتحات تلف الورقة على شكل اسطوانه مجوفة وتركبها على موتور صغير أو أي شي دوار بسرعه حوالي 70 لفة في الدقيقة لكن يمكنك تجربة عدة سرعات وتحليل النتائج ( صاحب ألأختراع استعمل ستيريو دوار جرامافون قديم وركب الأسطوانه الكرتونيه فوق الأسطوانه الموسيقية )
يكون أعلى الأسطوانه الكرتونيه التي عملناها مفتوح لكي نقوم بتنزيل مصباح أبيض ساطع يتدلى من السقف وسط ألأسطوانه الدوارة المخرمه ..يتدلى المصباح في الوسط دون أن يلمس الاسطوانه .
يجلس الشخص أمام الأسطوانه بمستوى النظر وهي تدور ويغمض عينيه فيحدث خروج الضوء من الفتحات بشكل متناوب أثناء دوران الأسطوانه باتجاه عيون الشخص التي تكون مغمضة
التأثير لهذا التباين في السطوع ينقل موجات الدماغ الى مستويات جديده وتبدأ التجربة

رجاء أعلمونا بالنتائج

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)
تصاميم جهاز الأنتقال الزمني هدية لكم

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
الانتقال السريع
المواضيع المتشابهه
شرح طرق التسيير الزمني في علم التنجيم
بخصوص جهاز الايفون
وصفة لتقوية جهاز المناعة
جهاز التخاطر الإلكتروني

الساعة الآن 09:32 AM.