المشاركات الجديدة
علوم الطاقة وعلوم الخوارق : يهتم بطاقة الكون والإنسان وظهور الخوارق وتعليلها

تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو مدحت حلمى
مدحت حلمى
عوالمك الباطنيه السبعه : منقول للاهميه

I will now briefly explain these seven planes which hopefully will give you a better insight
into your own spirit. They are as follows:
The Earth Plane (Physical)
The Astral Plane
The Mental Plane
The Buddhic Plane
The Nirvana Plane
The Para Nirvana Plane
The God Head.
Imagine seven circles completely separated from each other, but they are within each other, from
the outside circle, to the next inner circle, to the next inner circle, to the next inner circle and so
on to the last inner circle which is the centre of the circles. Therefore you have seven circles
within each other.
The largest circle or the outside circle is called the Earth Plane. The next inner circle is called the
Astral Plane. The next inner circle is called the Mental Plane. The next inner circle is called the
Buddhic Plane. The next inner circle is called the Nirvana Plane. The next inner circle is called
the Para Nirvana Plane and the next and last inner circle, in other words the centre of all the
circles is called the God Head. (The centre of all).
We will now start with the outer circle first which is called the Earth Plane. This is the plane of
low material vibration. This is where the spirit in its first incarnation was wayward, irresponsible,
nasty etc., and then spends the rest of its incarnations to becoming a perfected spirit.
The next step up, or the next inner circle (the second circle) is called the Astral Plane. Now this
plane is more like a stepping stone, where the spirit (you) is continuously stepping backwards and
forwards from the Earth Plane to the Astral Plane for lessons to be learnt. Then stepping forward
into the Astral Plane for the corrections of those past lessons with the help of the Guardian Spirit
and the Lords of Karma.
The next step up, or the next inner circle (the third circle) is called the Mental Plane. This is
where what we the earthly beings call, the masters and the guardian spirits, will reside. These are
the perfected spirits who have volunteered their services to the Earth Plane for the benefit of all
human beings.
The next step up, or the next inner circle (the fourth circle) is called the Buddhic Plane. Now this
is the plane where the vibration of the spirit becomes a lot faster and more ethereal and the spirit’s
memory of the earth plane now becomes diminished.
The next step up, or the next inner circle (the fifth circle) is called the Nirvana Plane. This is the
plane of peace and tranquillity and anything to do with the earth plane has now completely
ceased. The spirit now senses the increased pull of the higher spheres (the last two circles), and a
sense of eager anticipation now fills the spirit as it awaits the other fifteen parts of itself which
were separated eons ago when it spun off from the God Head.
Now the spirit has arrived at the Para Nirvana Plane, the sixth inner circle. This is what is called
the waiting room, and this is where the reunion of the sixteen parts of the original spirit ultimately
takes place. These are the mysteries that are known only to the very higher spheres of life.
Now the completed spirit has now arrived at the God Head (the very centre of the circles). This is
the ultimate of the original spirit and this is the complete reunion of all energy and light of the
sixteen parts of your original spirit. In other words, the evolution of the sixteen parts has now
been completed. But this my friend is not what you may think is the end. It is definitely not. It has
now become the beginning again.
If I may explain a little further, because the sixteen parts have now become one and are now
spinning faster and faster within the god head, faster and faster only to be spun off yet again into
sixteen parts again, yes sixteen parts, sixteen individual spirits to start to learn all over again.
These sixteen parts, these sixteen spirits, again will eventually meet and become as one. But only
when all lessons of those sixteen spirits have been learned and understood. Because for spirit
there is a never ending. Because life is never ending. You must always remember this one special
thing, and that is. You are spirit and spirit is you. You are an individual and you are, someone
very, very special.
Heaven & Hell
Heaven and hell are really just the astral plane, separated by vibrational frequencies. You can say
earth is also "hell" because it's so low vibrationally, along with the lower astral realms, and the
higher astral planes are "heaven" because they vibrate at a very fine rate and are quite gorgeous.
But the astral has only 7 levels and then you start getting into the higher planes of existence
(mental, buddhic, etc.) which is where the "collective unconscious" or "universal mind" might
exist. Everyone uses different words for these planes of existence (heaven, hell, collective
unconscious, etc.) Spirits live in the astral realm, and when you leave the astral realm to the
higher realms, you are "consciousness" and have no vehicle like the physical body or astral form
although you can elect to appear in one (Robert Monroe talked about how he would see a blaze of
energy and that energy would tune itself down and appear as a human). You are simply
Conscious energy at that point. All things are vibrations, whether light or sound, so the physical
realm is just different vibrations (coarser) then the astral, the mental and so forth. We are here to
learn and love, and as we do, our vibrations raise, which is when you can start to tap into the
different planes of existence. The more I meditate and astral project, the wider my frequencies
become which means that I can go to higher planes of existence. When I project, I can pick up on
radio and tv frequencies, and can sometimes 'see' or 'hear' what some other people cannot. When
you die, you migrate to the portion of the astral plane that you are in tune with vibrationally
(hence the whole concept of "bad" people go to hell and "good" people go to heaven). If you saw
the higher astral planes, you would know why it's confused for "heaven" for it is simply beyond
The astral realm is also known as the "emotional" realm because it reacts to our thoughts. Not
only is it an astral counterpart to the physical world (so the astral counterpart of a chair would
exist in the astral), but it is also what we "think" about so a lot of mental "debris" exists in the
astral which is why everyone gets so confused while projecting. This is not all levels though

الصورة الرمزية يناير
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..

اخى الكريم سعد الدين .. ما طلبته يحتاج العديدمن الكتب لشرحه

اقدم لكم هذا الكتاب ففيه ما طلبتم فى احد فصوله :

كتاب فلسفة اليوجا .

كتاب مركز فى معلوماته جمع تلخيص فروع علم اليوجا يساعد المبتدىء على الاحاطة بهذا العلم ، مترجم . حجمه 2.6 ميجا
هدفه اتصال الانسان بخالقه :

العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..

و شكرا

ماشاء الله كتاب جيد احسنت بارك لله فيك

تجربة في اليوجا ارعبتني تحولت الى افعى الاناكوندا بعد عمل تمرين لليوجا وكنت ببن اليقضه واانوم

الصورة الرمزية يناير
اشكرك على المعلومات بارك الله فيك

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو الزاوي
بارك الله فيك شيخنا
جعله في ميزان حسناتك

الصورة الرمزية يناير
شكىا لك الاخ الكريم الزاوي على المرور الطيب بارك الله فيكم

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو أبو يحيى عبد القادر
أبو يحيى عبد القادر
افتراضي رد: تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي
لكم الشكر الجزيل

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو تابووت
افتراضي رد: تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي
شكراً جزيلاً على هذا الموضوع

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو بن عمران
بن عمران
افتراضي رد: تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي
فعلا يعجز اللسان عن الشكر ، حفظكم الله ورعاكم .

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو باحث في العلم
باحث في العلم
افتراضي رد: تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو خضر التونى
خضر التونى
افتراضي رد: تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي
اشكرك اخي الكريم بارك الله فيكم

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)
تعلم الخروج من الجسد الاسقاط النجمي

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
الانتقال السريع
المواضيع المتشابهه
أول موقع عربي مختص في علم الباراسيكولوجي مع كتاب الاسقاط النجمي بالعربية
الاسقاط النجمى والخروج
240 سؤال وجواب فى الاسقاط النجمى
الخروج من الجسد والإسقاط النجمي
رحلة الخروج الجسد الاثيري من الجسد الطبيعي

الساعة الآن 08:33 AM.